Seriously, I would love to break the hand of the designer who created this, and also the programmer's who implemented it so poorly. First of all, tank itself is a bad event. What the heck tanks do in a fantasy game? And your performance doesn't really depend on your character strength and advancing skills, its just a stupid video game. For a long time, there were rumours it will be removed. And now instead they make it even a big team event? What did these guys smoke..
The lag I could endure, but the bugs? When I tried to move through the teleporter, I stuck. I refresh, try again. Stuck again. Third time succeed. I meet players who are shooting at me merrily why I get the message "he is under protection". We destroy their revive tower, kill all of them, and nothing happens. The event is supposed to end at this time, right? No. After some 5-10 minutes, the revive tower respawns, and the fight is on again. And some people who are actively participating get no reward whatsoever after 30 minutes!
To top it off, the rewards. 30 Warpath soul, some gold, medallion... What kind of crap junk is this?
I'm usually a calm person, but now I think the proper behaviour from the people who made steel war would be to shot themselves on the leg at least. This event was not tested, not balanced, not anything.
So many bad things happen in Wartune lately, and nothing good. The cloth event, first they remove lvl 3 rewards, then lvl 4 rewards, then remove chest reward... Now they remove cloth reward as well. There are more and more bugs, events are bugged on a daily basis. Chest event exchanges last for 1 week where chests are awarded for several weeks. And the list goes on. In a normal game, the goal should be to make players happy, not to frustrate them.
There are a lot of recharge events going on, but my advice is, do not recharge. All the events happening lately point in one direction: last desperate attempt to milk players before they shut the game down :(