When Wartune introduced resists, I thought finally there is the answer to the sylph delphics which one-shot people regardless of their HP. Well, it wasn't, but the problem solved itself - because the smart developers corrected the lord divine medallion bug with patch 3.1 (which counted LD damage bonus twice), and people get a lot of HP and defense from other sources. Resist itself didn't help much because the initially so-rare will crystals became super-common later. So it was pretty difficult to have a higher resist than the opponent's resist reduce. For thsi reason, resist didn't do much in pvp, it helped only in pve like sky trials or god's descent.
Probably the developers have sensed this flaw, so they added a huge resist boost with dimensions. They did add will crystal bonus too, but to a less extent. Right now, my resists looks like this (see to the left) with Hades equipped. I have 5 electro dimensions (1 advanced, 3 intermediate and one basic). If we suppose the strong players have a similar reduce resist like me, then their Hercules deals 62% less damage on me. (see here how resist damage reduction is calculated.) Also you can see that I don't bother having a significant secondary and tertiary resistance. Couldn't make them as high as 870 anyway, so in pvp they wouldn't help. In pvp (sky trial, god's descent), I just convert my best crystals to the proper element when necessary.
So with dimensions, resistance finally became a useful stat. And it is an important tactical element which dimensions you do. With this super-high resistance, I was able to kill God's descent boss 29 - with one attempt - AFK!!
And resist is now important in PVP - in battleground, I could kill R4GE, while he had more than 100k advantage in BR:
(And this is not a boasting - I have maximum respect for the live player behind the ToK NM shadow - it's just an example what resist can do now.)
So, be careful what dimensions you do. I seem to find a lot more dimensions than I use, so I can select. I was lucky to get a lot of electro and keep getting more, so I will stick around with that for a while. Although Hercules is the most common sylph, people will change tactic eventually. Going heavy-dark is another option, for a mage, it is a must if you want to be good in Class Wars. I really like when in a game, tactics becomes important, and its no longer just a who-have-the-higher BR competiton.
Probably the developers have sensed this flaw, so they added a huge resist boost with dimensions. They did add will crystal bonus too, but to a less extent. Right now, my resists looks like this (see to the left) with Hades equipped. I have 5 electro dimensions (1 advanced, 3 intermediate and one basic). If we suppose the strong players have a similar reduce resist like me, then their Hercules deals 62% less damage on me. (see here how resist damage reduction is calculated.) Also you can see that I don't bother having a significant secondary and tertiary resistance. Couldn't make them as high as 870 anyway, so in pvp they wouldn't help. In pvp (sky trial, god's descent), I just convert my best crystals to the proper element when necessary.
So with dimensions, resistance finally became a useful stat. And it is an important tactical element which dimensions you do. With this super-high resistance, I was able to kill God's descent boss 29 - with one attempt - AFK!!
And resist is now important in PVP - in battleground, I could kill R4GE, while he had more than 100k advantage in BR:
(And this is not a boasting - I have maximum respect for the live player behind the ToK NM shadow - it's just an example what resist can do now.)
So, be careful what dimensions you do. I seem to find a lot more dimensions than I use, so I can select. I was lucky to get a lot of electro and keep getting more, so I will stick around with that for a while. Although Hercules is the most common sylph, people will change tactic eventually. Going heavy-dark is another option, for a mage, it is a must if you want to be good in Class Wars. I really like when in a game, tactics becomes important, and its no longer just a who-have-the-higher BR competiton.