Had a lot of data on new years chests, so those stats seem pretty accurate. The rare stuff (mount, cloths) are the usual 0,1% drop rate. The event shard (7th page) drop rate is reduced to 30% from previous 50%. There are now 5 common items instead of the previous 4 items, and there are more uncommon items. Ancient coin is a nice addition to these chests.
I have much less data on the new chest yet, but it seems it follows a similar pattern, so it's easier to make a good analysis now. Let's see what we can get for these event shards.
Obviously, you not gonna exchange the shards for gold, daru, soul crystals or sylph equip shards, these items are junk.
The top value item - as usual - is the mount. If you are unlucky and won't get it from the chest, try to exchange for it. Sadly, you will have enough shard for that only if the stable reward got bugged for you and you could claim the 10k mount whips.
Sadly, whips are more expensive now than before. Here, you need to spend 3 Whispers to get items of 30 balen value. But don't forget - if you spend 50 whips, you also get a free chest and 5 hoof. So this trade is rather approx. 50 balen value, 16 balens / whisper.
Another highlight exchange is getting a cloth for 23 Whispers. A cloth worth approx. 300 balens, so it's a 13 balens / whisper deal.
I do not recommend getting sylph enchant gear or golden holy water for whispers. Both are ridiculously overpriced here. Sylph enchant gear: we get tons for free from variuos sources, and golden holy water, you can get it for 4 bound balen apiece in Cloud Adventures. The divinity soul exchange could be ok, but you get more than you need from free chests and divinity soul events. So I would either vote for cloth (since it's a unique item you can't get for free), or, if you are far from maxing your stables and hoofs, and you think they will sell the cloth set for 900 balens later as usual, grab the whips.
Prolly the best bet is to exchange you remaining ancient horns for runestones, they are never enough.
There is a final question: is the pack good enough to spend balens on it? There are 2 reasons why I say a definite no to this:
1.) This pack has a very bad balen value. It's expected value is approx. 27 balens (a bit better, if you still need a Hades - but I think that unlikely).
2.) You can get tons of this chest for free.
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