This meant more people could get into the final. Previously, you needed 11 wins to make to the final, now 10 was enough. And yeah, BR requirement for making to Warlords Hall as less as well, so...
Yeah, I made it to Warlords Hall! The only non-vip there :)
The past months brought many opportunities to increase BR for cash - huge advanced sepu and mahra sales, and the introduction of eudameons. I skipped these opportunity to spend balen, just grabbed the cheap mounts - but I did not even spend my mount hoofs on them, so I didn't really expect this. I'm very happy now, fighting with the big players in finals :)
And if its already Class Wars, some words on strategy. CW strategy changes drastically almost every month. Lately, troops were replaced by sylphs, then eudaemon was added: those all changed CW strat. And now, the introduction of dual gems made ATK values soar, surviving is not really an option anymore unless you are a whale with astronomical DEF values.
So far, I always went with guard and heal rune, but now I tried chaos and guard. Chaos can really mess up the first 3 rounds due to eudaemon, and if somehow the fight is still going on after the first awaken phase, it can counter the opponents heal spell as well. Amnesia can be powerful too, since on CW, there is no HS, so amnesia can be more effective than in general pvp.
In CW (and in pvp general) its always important to time your awaken well. The best bet is to awaken at the same time as your opponent do. If you awaken too early, then you will revert much earlier than him and he can destroy you while in sylph from. Same if you don't awaken, and try to outheal. I think this outheal strategy no longer works since the dual gem ATK boosts.
Also do not forget, that during CW, if you happen to have a draw, most damage dealt is the tiebreaker. Keep this always in mind when choosing skills.
Don't forget resist. For a mage, dark resist is obviously the most important. Hercules is also still popular, and thirdly, I choose fire resist. I need fire and electro resist for elemental forest anyway, so I even have dimensions for these 3 resists.
Also here is stun. You prolly remember how much crying was about stun. People hated that they stood there helplessly for rounds. But eventually, this problem solved itself: they nerfed holy seal, and everybody reached HS 99 anyway. And now, stun is back, nastier as ever. You just need to cough up a few thousand of USD, buy a large amount of beads of influence, and you can stun people for 3 rounds right before sylph. This is a show of how poor is the game designer lately. Not only he piss off everyone by rendering fate stones useless (which are still given out as rewards EVERYWHERE in the game), but he demands beads instead, which is a very expensive cash-only item now. So influence is a guarantee for whales that they can win: regardless of resists, mistakes, timing delphic and guard runes (unless his opponent cashed into influence as well).
Luck is still important (with chaos and amnesia runes, deflections, criticals), but timing is important as well. If you know your opponent is going to delphic, you can usually have time to use guard rune - unless you are casting a delphic too.
If you made it into the finals, good luck to you!
*** UPDATE ***
Finished 14th, which is not so great, because I could beat only 2 people. The fun part is, I realized after the CW finals that my medal was expired :) So guys, always check everything before going into battle! Medal, buff, astrals, resistance crystals...
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