Lately I know I was heavy on critics towards the game devs, but with a reason. They did a lot of effort to ruin our fun. But actually, some players have the power to make the game even more miserable for all others. And these are the top players, who are chosen as ToK shadow opponents.
With the recent changes, ToK became really much easier. Even when all 4 sport Odin, we can streak through it easily, at least with our BR. But when someone have Frigga... then its impossible, or takes so long time so its no fun at all, so we do hard instead. But lately, hard is Frigga-infested as well, and when there are 2, hard is impossible too.
So here is my message to Mennoly, Darkdayz, Iceade and anyone else who think it is fun to park a Frigga in ToK. Most of you top players think the goal of this game is to have as high as BR as possible. But you are wrong. The goal is to have the respect of others. You can't achieve respect by spending truckload of money and behaving like an ass. You can have respect by being strong AND being nice at the same time.
If you spend 100.000s of USDs to be hated by everyone, then you just wasted all that money. So don't be like Mennoly who is always with Frigga in ToK. Be like Quorax who is always nice and brings Odin.
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