A new Wartune patch is always a truckload of new bugs. The only useful feature of the last patch, the clothing system revamp has brought a pretty critical bug.
To get the title for a clothing set, you need to own all 4 pieces of the clothing. Previously, if you did not get all pieces at once, and transformed some meanwhile was not a problem: in Dressing Room, you could change your worn clothing to any you activated earlier, and "own" the cloth again. But the devs seemingly did not think about cloth sets when they changed the previous system. While engulfing your cloth, you get "Mutant Dragon Wings" which is part of the "Doomsday Cowboy" set. Fortunately, you can buy the remaining 3 pieces for 90 Jasmine chests in the current exchange.
However, when you exchange the 3 cowboy cloth, you will not get the title. Even to be able to refine these new cloth, you have to engulf them. But even after that, the title does not activate. It would be pretty simple to correct this bug: just check if the player's worn clothing makes a set, and if he doesn't have the title for it, award it. But as we know, they prefer hundreds of players bombing them with support tickets for month instead of doing this correction which might take them as much as 10-15 minutes.
So anyway, you were warned, after you buy the 3 cloth set, be ready to submit a support ticket because it's not going to work...
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